Using our proprietary SQL Script customized tools, the data required to provide transportation will be read directly -avoiding the need for additional manual procedures. Cut-offs and real-time cancellations can be quickly managed to optimize your operations. Let us help you avoid manual errors and save you time.


Allow daily driver verification of proper vehicle operation and security conditions such as: cleanliness, mirrors, doors, emergency accessories, air conditioning, electronic toll pass usage and odometer readings. SACS will also generate a monthly check list for general vehicle inspection and other vital components, such as brake pads power steering fluid, air filters, and oil change status. The module also allows you to capture video and images to document any issues – as a bonus, it can also be integrated with OBD systems.



Patients can be transfered from one vehicle to another at any time with minimum stress to the patient and operations. SACS’ emergency trans-boarding option allows you to transfer a group of patients to in case of accidents or unforeseen situations. Additionally, a dispatcher can send messages to one or multiple vehicles at once and in real-time.

of most
adequate vehicle

Using location tracking, traffic detection, user destination, type and capacity of vehicle and the ability to be on time (on-time performance) of the available vehicles, our software finds the most adequate vehicle for each specific patient or groups. We help you make more efficient vehicle use, helping your operation reduce excess vehicle capacity and slack time within routes.


Using existing trip information, SACS makes routes by predicting itineraries to be proposed to dispatchers. SACS creates recurrent trip patterns based on the occurrence and frequency of the same trip by a patient: whether it’s occurring daily, weekly, or monthly.

and dispatching
by group & editing

When planning a route, SACS makes it possible to group patients per zone or per vehicle. Our unique SACS online editor allows to make any necessary driver assignment changes to re-route in real time.

Additionally, you get an easy-to-use interactive graphics tool make grouping easier and faster.

and add'ons

All SACS can handle even the most demanding needs from Wellness Centers. You’ll find SACS makes adding same day trips seamless before and after creating routes.


SACS can perform demographic analysis of patient population and how it has changed over time. This tool allows you to study and evaluate the population associated to a determined geographic area and provide excellent data to plan transportation resources as well as new center locations.

Returns and ready
for pickup

This SACS module manages the transportation demands to help patients return home when they are ready for pickup at Medical Centers or a determined location after their medical appointments. Using a tablet device or computer, the dispatchers are informed in real time about the request and can generate return routes instantly as a new task for an assigned driver and a group of patients.

Fully cloud based

SACS Software is a fully Web based platform with the strictest HIPAA-compliant security protocols to guarantee data integrity and optimal performance. Being fully web-based means you’ll be able to adapt its features and adapt the software to better serve client needs while making it easy to deploy and integrate its use.

All data can be then be used to analyze transportation operational performance and results. You’ll be able to use data with different levels of aggregation to effectively manage and oversee operations.

Easy to Manage

SACS Web is a fully cloud-based application. We use Amazon Web Services (AWS), guaranteeing uninterrupted service 24/7 and 365 days a year. Stop worrying about server maintenance and let us show you how  easy running your operations can be with SACS


Our software makes it simple to increase the number of patients served,  drivers, and routes without interrupting ongoing operations. Our self-scaling technology helps you keep on growing without interruption while adapting itself to on-going resource demands


SACS helps you reach peak flexibility in your operations – we’ve designed it to work with any new or changing demands because we know your needs might change from one day to the other. For example,  let us show you how it seamlessly allows any dispatcher to attend one or  more clinics or assign a driver to any center in real-time.

Operation Costs

See how we can help you lower your operational costs and increase your ROI. With SACS Web, there is no need to invest in dedicated hardware or  software. Our cloud-based all-in-one solution means you won’t have invest in expensive computing and processing centers, all while keeping your sensitive data private with the highest HIPPA-compliant standards in the industry.

at the Core
of our Work

We know data is your greatest asset, which is why our services are strictly governed HIPPA or ISO/IEC 27001:2013 compliant standards, guaranteeing your data is safe at every stage of the operation.

Additionally, SACS will periodically back up your data so that it’s always available to you, even during unforeseen circumstances. You’ll feel peace of mind knowing any data transmitted or retrieved between our frontend and backend is encrypted with electronic certificates and the latest algorithms in the industry

IVR and patient's

Interactive voice response (IVR) allows you to minimize the impact of cancellations as well to optimize slots for new transportation demands.

Patient’s Signature allows real time control of On Board and Drop Off patients’ appointments.


SACS Software’s dashboard allows real-time information about drivers and patients, including access to: Drivers Log, Patient Search, Trips By Radius, Trips Summary, Scheduled Trips, Completed Trips, Cancelled Trips, Trip Types, Pick Up Cancellation Code, Return Cancellation Code as well as Driver’s detailed trips activities, either completed or planned.

Dashboard offers real time on line visibility of Driver’s activities.

Enjoy the power to manage your services in the palm of your hand!


SACS Tablet or Smartphone Device Module lets drivers work at any time,  even with potential drops in connectivity. Our state-of-the-art technology  allows you to work without an active Internet connection.


SACS algorithms optimize routes by calculating minimum overall distance travelled considering access to highways, arterial roads, streets, traffic congestions, traffic flow, shortest and fastest segments and destinations. Our integration with Google Maps guarantees the accuracy and quality of the mapping and routing application. The Reroute option on Tablet or Smartphone devices allow drivers to modify their routes as they see fit.